Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical Machines Laboratory
The Electrical Machines Laboratory is the Main Laboratory of Electrical Engineering
Department. The Laboratory is well equipped with various AC and DC Electrical Machines
and Transformers. The main objective of the courses on Electrical Machines Laboratory is to
provide the practical exposure to the student regarding construction and operation of various
electrical machines like DC generators, DC Motors, Alternators, Synchronous motors,
Induction Motors, Special Motors and Transformers. Students perform experiments to validate
characteristics like OCC, no-load test, load test on dc generators, load test and speed control
methods on dc motors, open circuit, short circuit and parallel operation on transformers,
blocked rotor, no-load and load tests on three phase induction motors, OC, SC and slip tests on
synchronous machines to determine performance
Networks & Electrical Technology Laboratory
The main objective of these laboratory courses on Networks & Electrical Technology
Laboratory is to provide the practical exposure to the student regarding the electrical circuit
theorems like superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and maximum power transfer theorems and
also construction and operation of various electrical machines like DC generators, DC Motors,
Alternators, Synchronous motors, Induction Motors, and Transformers
Power Electronics Laboratory
The Power Electronics laboratory aims at imparting practical knowledge of Power
Electronic devices to the students to learn the characteristics of different types of power
electronic switches, understand and analyse the operation of UJT firing circuits, R & RC firing
circuits, uncontrolled & Controlled Rectifiers, Choppers, Inverters & Cyclo Converters. The
laboratory is well equipped with trainer kits to teach practical from fundamentals to high level
concepts to the students.
Control Systems Laboratory
This laboratory course gives hands-on experience to feedback automatic control systems. The
Laboratory contains various equipment used in design and experimentation of digital and
analog electromechanical feedback control systems. The laboratory contains equipment like
synchros, PID controllers, stepper motor unit, Phase lead and lag compensator, AC servo
motor, DC servo motor, AC position control trainer, DC position control trainer and Allen
Bradlen PLC Kit. The feedback automatic control systems are an essential feature of numerous
industrial processes, scientific instruments and even commercial, social and management
situations. A thorough understanding of the elementary principles of this all-embracing
technology is of great relevance for all engineers and scientists.
Power Systems Laboratory
This laboratory provides the real time environment to the students to conduct experiments
on measurement of sequence impedance of transformer and alternator, calibration of tong
tester, economic load dispatch problem and unit commitment etc. This lab will provide
knowledge to the students on power system’s area through practical demonstrations on power
system generation, transmission and distribution concepts
Electrical Measurements lab
The Electrical Measurements laboratory provides the knowledge on calibration of measuring
devices. This lab comprises of phase shifting transformers, reactive load and various other
equipment used for calibration and measurement of electrical quantities. This laboratory is
equipped with all electrical bridge circuits like Kelvin's Double Bridge, Anderson's bridge,
Schering Bridge to facilitate the measurement of unknown values of elements like resistor,
capacitor and inductor. Errors in electrical measuring instruments can also be calibrated. Real
and reactive power of unbalanced loads can also be measured.
Electrical Circuits Laboratory
The main objective of these laboratory courses on electrical circuits Laboratory is to provide
the practical exposure to the student regarding the electrical circuit theorems like superposition,
Thevenin’s, Norton’s, maximum power transfer theorems, locus diagrams on RLC elements,
Z, Y and ABCD parameters of the circuits and measuring the reactive power of the RL and RC
Electrical Simulation Laboratory
The electrical simulation laboratory mainly focuses on simulation using MATLAB®. It
is a programming platform designed specifically for engineers and scientists to analyse and
design systems and products that transform our world. The heart of MATLAB is the MATLAB
language, a matrix-based language allowing the most natural expression of computational
mathematics. In this lab the students design to simulate the electrical circuits, power electronics
circuits and programming for load flow studies of power system etc. This laboratory is also
helpful for research students.
Power Converters & Drives Laboratory
The Power Converters & Drives Laboratory aims at imparting practical knowledge of Power
converters to the students to learn the advanced topics in Power Electronics like speed control
of DC motor using three phase full converter, four quadrant operation of DC Chopper, DSP
based V/f control of three phase induction motor and analysis of three Phase SVPWM pulse
generation using PIC Micro controller. The laboratory is well equipped with trainer kits to
teach practical from fundamentals to high level concepts to the students